Tag Archives: Mammal

Raising a Mini Pig: It Takes a Village

28 Mar
"Mini Pig in Hoodie"

My favorite sling

My mini pig friend Cocco recent post about needing a pigsitter and it got me thinking about all of mine.

"Mini pig on a walk"

Me and my Aunt Julia (one of my favorite pigsitters)

I’m a lucky fella who lives a life of luxury while my Mom works hard to bring home the bacon.

"Mini pig in lap"

Mommy and me at brunch

Traveling is part of her job so I get the piggy privilege of having my human friends take care of me while she is away.

"Mini pig in kitchen"

Love my pigsitter Aunt Caitlin

I like to think of them as mini vacations, where I get super spoiled, eat all the treats I can and get to be the center of attention.

"mini pig vacation"

Strolling on one of my mini pigsitter vacations

In fact, I make sure to be an ultra-good, mini pig for my pigsitters, so they will want to come back again soon.

"mini pig sitting"

my superb sitting skills in action for my pigsitter

Sometimes my madre will go on vacations that aren’t pig friendly so I get to go stay with my grandpig parent!!!

"mini pig sitting on steps"

Me and my Grandpig parent!

He is soo cool. Once he let me eat (on accident)  an entire box of cheerios in one afternoon. When I’m there I get to play with my dalmatian cousin Riley. And by play I mean I take over his backyard and he doesn’t give me any barks about it.

I also absolutely adore my cousin Peyton who is the best at translating what my oinks mean.

"Mini Pig in grass""Mini pig and toddler on grass"

Those are a few of the phenomenal humans I have in my life who have warmed this mini pig’s heart (and belly). Who takes care of you when your humans are away?